Extended Care & Long-Term Pharmacy Solutions

Best Pharmacy Solutions for Long-Term Care Facilities

At Medical Packaging Inc., LLC (MPI), we offer a comprehensive range of medication packaging systems and materials for long-term care pharmacies in the United States and worldwide. Our customer service and innovative technology support issues that pharmacists in extended care settings face daily. We are proud to provide unit dose medication packaging, barcoding software, and labeling systems as a complete solution that meets the unique medicine packaging requirements of the customers in this market.

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Optimize Data Management

With the amount of patients that come through the doors of extended care facilities, patient data can get disorganized very quickly. Our secure labeling software allows healthcare providers to easily access a centralized database including a drug library, users, and other essential LTC pharmacy information across multiple locations. Proper data management improves pharmacy services and can save lives.

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Improve Operational Efficiency

In long-term care facilities, medication needs to be packaged and labeled quickly and efficiently. Our products increase efficiency, eliminating the manual packaging and labeling of medication. MPI products reduce medical errors and allow pharmacists to package and organize medications with ease.

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Decrease Costs in Long Term Care Facilities

MPI products are competitively priced, and the benefits of our equipment improve cost management for our customers. Mediation packaging errors are expensive, as they require more materials, labor costs, and involve liability. Our automated products decrease errors which saves time and resources. Manual medication packaging and labeling require a lot of time and allocation of staff, with our automated systems staff members can focus on patient care.

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Patient Care

At long-term care facilities, incorrect dosages or inaccurate prescriptions can cost the lives of residents. Our systems follow best practices of medication adherence guidelines and ensure regulatory compliance. Organized packaging systems prioritize patient safety, allowing patients to receive better  care and,helps the facility achieve improved health outcomes.

Specific Products for Long Term Pharmacy Solutions

Barcode Labeling Solutionssample image of barcode labeling

MPI offers affordable, high-performance barcode labeling solutions as part of our medication packaging systems, including barcode printers and easy-to-use barcode labeling software. Our unit dose barcode labeling systems ensure that each dose of medication is labeled accurately and efficiently, and barcodes are fully customizable within 2D linear and GS1 barcode symbology.

FDA-Compliant Liquid Packaging SolutionsFluidose-plastic-colorful-cups

Our liquid cup unit dose packaging systems are FDA-compliant and tailored to meet specific medical packaging needs. This ensures medication safety, quality, and efficient delivery in providing specialty products.

Auto-Wrap® Syringe Labeling Systemauto wrap machine image

This semi-automatic solution produces a printed label and automatically wraps it around a syringe in one single motion at the real-time speed of up to twenty syringes per minute. This product is especially useful for biologic medications, where syringes are usually the standard form of application.

Pharmacy Accessory Label Printers (PALP)

syringes labeled

MPI’s Pharmacy Accessory Label Printers quickly and efficiently prints accurate barcoded labels to affix on ampoules, vials, and syringes. The PALP is comprised of a desktop printer and MPI’s exclusive Pak-EDGE® UD Barcode Labeling Software, which is offered in two  different models to best meet the unique needs of each facility

Commitment Across Other Markets

MPI products are utilized in other markets  providing industry-leading business strategy for:

  • Specialty Pharma: We provide specialty pharma companies with appropriate solutions that optimize operational efficiency and improve patient care.
  • Pharmaceutical Repackagers: Our packaging solutions allow the repackaging industry to utilize our liquid cup packaging capabilities, overwrapping systems, barcode technology, and more.
  • Acute Care & Hospital: In a hospital setting, ensuring the right patient is provided with the right medication is paramount. With our unit dose packaging machine and barcode scanning technology, the pharmacy team members can reduce medication error rates.